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Develops your Dog's "Hidden Intelligence" To eliminate bad behavior and Create the obedient

Dogs are particularly intelligent animals and have a great learning ability. It is therefore up to their lucky owners to make good use of it and to allow them to express their full potential.

In fact, whether it is to combat boredom or to allow it to develop mentally and to improve one's faculties, stimulating one's dog intellectually is very important.

Many strategies and training programs suggested by specialized companies and experts, some of them got much success like this One that has well-tested and some are trying to be on the top of the market demands!  

Why do you have to stimulate your dog mentally?

The dog has been domesticated by Man to assist him in a variety of tasks. This is why there is a multiplicity of dog breeds, each adapted to specific activities. The dog is, therefore, able to learn a lot in order to adapt to human needs. Some are born even with predispositions, for example, sheepdogs have a natural tendency to lead flocks, while hound dogs are hunters-born. 

If Man lets other animals like the cat evolve more autonomously, he usually expects a dog to know how to perform certain tasks, learned during his training.

Make cohabitation easy and pleasant

For the reason of your health, and your pet's health before all, and in order to live in harmony with your dog, there are some rules to be established at first, and therefore things to teach him.

Thus, basic orders like 'Sit', 'Stand', 'Down', but also the recall and the "No" are essential to ensure the safety of furniture like that of your companion. This intellectual stimulation of the dog is necessary because it will allow him to live serenely in the community.

Moreover, some large and energetic dog breeds would be difficult to manage, and therefore able to live in contact with humans without this learning ability!

Fight against the boredom of the dog

The worst enemy of masters and dogs? Boredom. But a dog who is bored or a dog abandoned by his master is tempted to fall back on what reminds him of his master and/or that he has within jaw reach: your business.

We can see here how interesting and important the dog's mental stimulation is: to divert his attention from such targets and to focus on an exercise. So, in addition to developing the dog's intelligence and making it easier to live, you save your belongings!

'The science behind my dog training system'

Revealed at last by one of America’s top professional dog trainers, a simple training strategy that Develops your Dog's "Hidden Intelligence" To eliminate bad behavior and Create the obedient, this program accomplished by Adrienne Farricelli, a professional CPDT-KA certified dog trainer, who for the last 10 years has been helping people to eliminate bad behaviors in dogs and train well behaved, obedient, loving pets…by showing them how to bring out the ‘hidden intelligence’ inside their dog. This super program called: Brain Training For Dogs Click and learn more about the program. You can try this recommended strategy to live well and differently with your dog.  

Mentally stimulate the intelligence of his dog: how?

There are many reasons to stimulate your dog intellectually. But the question then is: how? Here are some ideas to distract your dog while making him smarter:                        
Through stimulation and daily interactions. It is possible to stimulate your dog daily, without necessarily having to resort to specific games or innovative activities.
Thus, simple changes in daily routine can keep your companion alert and mentally active. For example, you can vary your dog walkway regularly, so that you discover new places, new smells, and new colors. In general, it is beneficial to allow as often as possible the discovery of new stimuli, to expand his knowledge of the world.

It is also recommended to take him to places where he will have to meet other dogs and rub shoulders with animals of other species, subject of course to ensure the safety of each. It is also in these situations that we observe the benefits of early and complete socialization of the dog. Indeed, in addition to ensuring the safety of your dog and its development in the presence of humans, dogs, and other species, socialization develops his intellect.
Thus, socializing his puppy early and well allows him to develop his brain and instinct in a positive way, incorporating different information and reflexes. The sooner he is faced with different people, animals, and situations, the more he will be able to adapt to change, well in his head and open to learning. On the contrary, a puppy poorly socialized will be more withdrawn, shy, less smart.
By learning tours;                                         
 Learning is the activity that will most develop a dog's intelligence, so do not hesitate to teach him as many words and orders as possible. Even though he already knows 'Sit' 'Stand' 'Down' and the recall, there are still plenty of possibilities. He can learn, for example, to get up, to turn on himself, to give the paw, etc. As can be seen, for example, guide dogs and helper dogs, there is no limit to what a dog can learn, as long as the learning is smooth and in respect.
By games;               
 Playing with a dog is a great way to boost his intelligence and strengthen relationships with his masters. However, be careful to always stay in positive logic, and not to rush it if he does not understand immediately what is expected of him. For example, you can hide a dog treats or other food that he likes, and ask them to find it. In doing so, he will exercise both his hunting instinct and his sense of smell. 
You can also teach your dog to differentiate objects from each other. Place an object in front of him, name it, and encourage him to bring it back to you. Do the same with a different object. When the two objects are named and assimilated separately, place both in front of your dog, and ask for the objects one by one. Reward him when he brings back the right object. You can then add more objects to the equation, and potentially reach or even push the limits of your companion's abilities.

Items designed to stimulate your dog's intelligence

Many dog accessories have been designed to distract, feed and entertain your dog while working his brain. The Pipolino, for example, is a dog food distributor whose operation must be understood by the dog so that he can access his treats and his meal. He must, therefore, try different ways to get what he wants and, for that, must analyze the situation to solve the puzzle as quickly as possible. Some dog toys - such as the famous Kong toys - can also hide treats inside the toy, and thus stimulate the dog's intelligence, as he will, of course, seek access to it.

The search rugs are another way to keep your dog busy while stimulating him. They can be bought or manufactured and can hide various treats in the fringes of the carpet. To get them, your dog will have to develop his flair, but also his concentration. A smart way to keep it busy for a while!

By outdoor activities

New sports and new activities allow a dog to expand his "vocabulary". For example, agility, with its different tests, make work as much physical flexibility as that of one's mind. In addition, spending time with your teacher, overcoming various obstacles together and progressing in tandem can create a stronger bond between the dog and his human, and strengthen their mutual trust.

The last word;
 The intellectual stimulation of a dog is important not only to make cohabitation more enjoyable but also to keep it busy and entertained throughout the day. Whether it's an unusual hike, a new game or a new sport, there are many possibilities. The most important thing is to introduce a new element into your environment and especially to have fun!

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