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Stories that encourage you to adopt a dog  

Photo By: John Price

Last week, police in a town in the Netherlands received an alert: a woman in a troubled state had left her home. On social media, they told how the woman was finally rescued.

It was a worrying situation, the woman needed quick help. The police undertook searches with neighbors and volunteers in the area around the town, where they thought the woman was to be. However, it was a very large and vast area. Too hard for the police to cover everything alone. Citizens were alerted and a research network was set up. It was necessary to go fast. 

About an hour and a half after receiving the alert, a lady was walking with Bella, her dog. She knew that a woman was missing and that many people were looking for her. 

Suddenly, Bella left the path and started barking loudly near a treed area. The branches of one of the trees hung very low on the ground, so you could barely look in between. It was between these branches that the owner of Bella discovered the missing woman and immediately notified the emergency services. It was clear that the woman was in urgent need of medical care.

The woman was taken to hospital by an ambulance and is doing well under the circumstances, the police reported.

Bella our heroine received a well-deserved gift from the police and her owner a beautiful bouquet of flowers the next day. Animals are not just great beings, they also save lives.

The unknown dog follows the couple in the forest, then they discover what is hidden in his collar.

While hiking on a snowy trail in Washington, Scott Brown and his girlfriend Get Naka had a truly unusual experience.

As they walked, they noticed that they were followed by a big black dog. At one point, the black dog joined them, determined to play the role of guide.

Scott said:  "He acted as a guide, he never left us, sometimes sat down and waited for us while we took photos, and then continued to follow us when we were finished."

When they arrived at the waterfall, the final destination of the hike, Scott took some pictures of the dog. They didn't know if the dog was lost and if it had been abandoned.

Fortunately, the animal had a medal attached to his collar. When Scott read what was written, he realized they had nothing to fear.

On the plate was written: "Hi, I'm Smokey, I live nearby, so please don't take me in. Sometimes I like to go on hikes. Don't worry, I'm going home when I get tired, my people love me a lot, thanks for being nice! "

Photo By: Scott Brown Fb.

Scott and his girlfriend were very lucky to meet this nice dog! Smokey even drove the couple back to the car, then returned to the forest, probably tired after a long day doing the guide.

The couple was very lucky to have Smokey as a guide. What do you think? Would you have liked to go on an excursion with this lovely dog? How can you get a smart dog like this one? 

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